How big is the largest western juniper (Juniperus occidentals)?

The largest western juniper is found in eastern Oregon. Its dimension are 233 inches in circumference (6.2 ft in diameter), 68 ft tall, and 44 ft canopy diameter. The tree, several or more centuries old grows on a relatively productive site with very sandy soils. There is a co-state champion with dimensions of: 223 CBH, 78 ft tall, and 42 ft in canopy diameter. State champion trees are based on a point system: Trunk Circumference (inches) + Height (feet) + ¼ Average Crown Spread (feet) = Total Points

State Champion western juniper tree in central Oregon. The bark on this tree is typical of trees 300 or more years old; thick and fibrous, with well developed vertical furrows. (tripod photo by Rick Miller, Oregon State University)